
  • Creates a window session.


    • process: default
    • wm: any

      The current window manager session.

    • config: FlowWindowConfig

      The window's pre-set config.

    • onClose: (() => void) = ...
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns default


content: HTMLElement
element: HTMLElement
header: HTMLElement
height: number
isMaximized: boolean = false
isMinimized: boolean = false
maximized: boolean
minimized: boolean
onClose: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

prevHeight: string
prevLeft: string
prevTop: string
prevWidth: string
process: default
realContent: HTMLElement
width: number
wm: any


  • Closes the window.

    Returns void

  • Focuses the window.

    Returns void

  • Sets the title of the window.


    • title: string

      The desired window title.

    Returns void

  • Toggles the window's maximization.

    Returns boolean

    The window's current maximization state.

  • Toggles the window's minimization.

    Returns boolean

    The window's current minimization state.

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